Gestures as a Concrete Paving for Children Language Development

Mohammad Halili
Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Penelitian ini dipresentasikan pada ICON LATERALS (International Conference on Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies): Promoting Creative Literacy in Digital Age, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Brawijaya, 2017

Stimulus and responses are two distinctive elements involve in developing children’s language performance but are undoubtedly interwoven. In this context, gestures, following the spoken discourse that the parents or caregivers made are essential not only to language comprehension, but also to language production. Since most of parents or primary caregivers are really unaware of their significant roles, the presence seems to be going beyond our particular attention. Therefore, this paper aims to scrutinize the significances of gestures and their interconnectedness to children language acquisition. By employing the laboratory/controlled method, I analyzed the children’s linguistic competence staying at TSA (Taman Sosialisasi Anak), University of Trunojoyo Madura from psycholinguistic points of views. They are about 24 months’ baby olds in which the recoding applied for data collection. The research shows that gestures are reciprocal to acquisition of the language. Iconic, not beat gestures helps the children to comprehend and produce the language. They facilitate information communication and lexical access. Indeed, it is neuropsychological proven.

Keywords: gesture, children, language development



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