Lexical Variation

The notion of lexical variation refers to vocabulary variation within a language. Once the language is used in different regional boundaries, each region may have its own variation to express the same thing with different words. Studies have shown lexical variations apply to languages.

One of the Javanese studies conducted in Bojonegor regency, East Java shows lexical variations. Three regions such as Kanor, Baureno, and Gondang sub-districts use the same lexical unit for Bottle. In those regions, their speakers have the same word for Bottle: Botol. However, the speakers from Tambakrejo use Gendul. Another example is Bathroom. In three sub-districts, Kanor, Baureno, and Gondang, they use Jedding to refer to that gloss. However, people in Tambakrejo sub-distric use Kiwan. 

Other examples can be taken from Madurese language which encompasses four regencies: Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan, and Sumenep. The people from those regencies basically speak the same language. However, lexical variations are apparent. It can be exemplified by a number of different vocabularies such as Bunglon, Nyande', and Kamu. Bunglon means Rambutan (a name of fruit) in Bangkalan dialect. It, however, refers to the name of animal (Chameleon) for Sampang, Pamekasan, and Sumenep. This term is illustrated below:

In Bangkalan regency, Nyande' is visiting the patient in the hospital or a member of families who is getting sick. However, it means something else in Sampang, Pamekasan, and Sumenep districts: This is to find a fruit such as manggos falling from their trees. 

Lexial variation also applies to American English, which ample studies have already taken. One of the examples is Soda that is popular in California and Pop which is popular in Inland North. Another example is Sneakers that are very popular in Northeast and Gym Shoes that is popular in Chicago.

Lexical variations among languages demonstrate the richness of the vocabularies within a language. Even though this may sometimes lead to confusion and misunderstanding, but most of speakers can adapt and understand them once opportunities to interaction are getting wider. People who interact with people coming from language variation background will acquire the language so that their comprehension to those lexical variations do too. Other point that enables the speakers to understand the lexical variations is a geographical chain. The closer of the territory is, the more comprehension obtained. In contrast, the further the territory is, the more likely the speakers do not understand the lexical variations. Another important point from this discussion is that it is important to note that lexical variations happen within a language, not across languages. 

One asked me why it is crucial to learn and understand the lexical variation. Once some may consider that lexical variations could be something funny. Some also claimed that their dialects are better than others. And some even mock each other knowing that difference. Understanding that linguistic phenomena will widen our horizon that there are more something to understand not only about the language variations in languages themselves, but also to understand their people. 


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